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Author Topic: 1. General principles and recommendations  (Read 6029 times)


  • Постоялец
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1. General principles and recommendations
« on: 08 October 2012, 23:46:00 »
1. General principles and recommendations
1.1. While here, you agree to be guided by these Rules.
1.2. The Forum is postmoderiruemym, ie added message occurs immediately, and their moderation later.
 1.3. Order in the forum should be moderators, moderators and administrators. Moderators oversee assigned to them forums can edit, delete messages and themes, close, and move threads to apply different penalties for the participants - prevention, pre-moderation, Read Only or PO (prohibition writing messages), blocking the account (ban). Members have the same powers in all the forums. Administrators have all rights Members and Moderators for this board, can make any additional changes to the forum.
1.4. All messages express the views of their authors. Editors do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the author. If you believe that any message contrary to the legislation, contain trade secrets or are capable of causing damage to persons or entities, you can report it to a moderator Folders "Report to moderator" when you click "private messages" or "Feedback Form".
 1.5. Stick to the already established culture of communication in our mapcam.info. We create ourselves habitat. Be polite and friendly to each other! If you see a violation of the Rules or provoke you to this other forum members, do not go on about the offenders. Write a letter to the Moderator Forum with the infringement or use the "Report abuse". The rest - care administration.
 1.6. If you make a mistake, for example, duplicate message sent accidentally answer is not there, or send a blank message, be sure to report it to the moderator using the "Report abuse" and specify the problem - the moderator will help. You should not post, reply and comment on your mistakes and apologize for such a flood.
 1.7. In case of accidental repeat fasting-induced depression in some browsers, remove duplicates.
1.8. At the project Mapcam.info prohibited from using the program simulating user actions (bots) in any form.

 2. User name ("nickname", "nickname", "username", "Account"), and profile data.
2.1. Nick.
2.1.1. Your user name - your personality. Perhaps, if you become a regular at forums, it will be your business card, talking about you and your level. If you do not want to then fight for what you call it so, and not be one of many, choose the original name (in law and common sense.) Of course, you can subscribe to and the actual name - it's your own business.
2.1.2. Not be registered unpronounceable sources (such as Kghk43563456oo).
2.1.3. Never double registration, then a member of two or more nicknames for one user for any reason, particularly if the mode «Read Only» or block (ban) to your nickname. In the event of such nicknames they will be blocked without warning. If for some reason you can not participate in the forum under the old nickname, please contact web@mapcam.info. Violation of this rule is punishable by ban second nickname and punishment first.
2.1.4. Never double check the existing nickname, ie, Nick, who is a full or partial visual duplicate of an existing one (including those obtained by replacement of Russian letters in Latin with a similar writing and vice versa). In the event of such a nickname, it can be blocked at the request of the owner of the original name.
2.1.5 Do not register nicks, which contain:
- Rude, offensive and obscene language and pseudographics and incitement to violence and violation of the law (in any language and in any form);
 - Any contact information: phone numbers, website addresses, e-mail, ICQ and so on, as well as combinations of characters that can be interpreted as such data;
- Overt or covert advertising.
2.2. Avatar.
2.2.1. If you put the same picture as the other party, then at his request Your avatar can be removed from your profile. So try to use the original image. 2.2.2. Prohibits the placement of an avatar, which contain:
- Rude, offensive and obscene language and images, as well as calls to violence and violation of the law (in any language and in any form);
- Any contact information: phone numbers, website addresses, e-mail, ICQ and so on - as well as combinations of characters that can be interpreted as such data;
- Overt or covert advertising.
2.3. Signature.
2.3.1. Prohibited sign, contain:
- More than 3 lines of text;
- Overt or covert advertising;
- More standard font (Use a different color font);
- Any graphics; - Any contact information: phone numbers, website addresses, e-mail, ICQ and so on - as well as combinations of characters that can be interpreted as the data. Links to resources within mapcam.info and joint projects mapcam.info allowed;
- "Spetstegi" or "spoilers".
 2.4.1. If possible, fill the maximum number of fields in your profile. This will help in further contact with you and get you on the additional information that may be helpful in solving your problems.
 2.4.2. You may not display the information in a profile containing a coarse, offensive and
obscene language and images, as well as calls to violence and violation of the law (in any language and in any form).

 3. Language Forum
3.1. Official Language Forum - Russian. The use of other languages, if a post-only regional in nature or if the author does not speak Russian.
 3.2. All messages must be written in Cyrillic. Allowed to use the transliteration only in exceptional cases. To translate text in normal view is strongly recommended to use the service translit.ru or the like.
3.3. Use of other languages ??in the signature allowed.
 3.4. Flimsy mistakes and deliberate willful violation of the rules of the Russian language (including abuse of so-called. "Padonkovskim language") is prohibited. For excessive use of so-called. "Albanizmov" ban might follow!

 4. General rules for creating threads and posts.
4.1. Before you create a new topic or message should be studied carefully with accepted rules of this section.
 4.2. Topic name should be as informative as possible, so that the name is already subject to other users was clear about your problem. In the message body, let's detailed description of your problem.
 4.3. Do not rush to create a theme. It is very likely that your issue has been discussed before, or there is a discussion topic of your device. Airlines. The sequence will make a search for more suitable keywords.
 4.4. If you find a topic that suits your subject, then you should immediately write to her a message. It is very likely that your problem has already been discussed and a solution is found. Use the "print version" and search for key words in it. Sure to read the cap threads - it is put useful information for you.
 4.5. If you have accidentally created a theme or message in the wrong section, where the plan (or to realize the wrong choice), do not create a similar theme or message in another section. Refer to the moderator - it will take your theme or message in the correct partition. Creating duplicate posts and the forbidden.
 4.6. If you see someone violating the rules of the forum (which creates a duplicate of the existing themes, aggression or flooding in the communications, wrong location topic, etc.), do not create new messages about it - just click "Report to moderator", and Moderators take action.
 4.7.1. When you reply to an existing topic, try to formulate your question or answer in such a way that it was clear to the rest of the forum members. Avoid flooding, philosophizing, lyrical digressions.
 4.7.2. Messages, which contain grammatical and / or syntactical errors can cause a negative reaction of the forum. Try to write competently.
 4.8. Prohibits overt and covert brutality, rudeness, insults.
4.9. Do not use foul language, both explicit and implicit, including for special characters.
 4.10. Never provoke a conflict, as well as the response to provocation. If you think you have been insulted (humiliated and otherwise violated your rights or the right forum) report the fact to the Moderator. He will take the necessary measures against the infringer.
 4.11. In the Subject and Message not:
4.11.1. Replacement of Russian letters like the English;
4.11.2. Writing topics and posts in capital letters;
4.11.3. Writing messages uppercase and lowercase letters mixed up ("That's the way") or letters from different scripts ("sleduyuschim obrazom");
 4.11.4. When publishing images on the forum, it automatically creates a preview. We should not place the images captured on modern cameras, without a significant reduction. Do not forget that many browsing forum on mobile devices, on which the traffic is much higher. If necessary, the original location, the big picture, just place a link to it. Also, try to choose a data format that are of acceptable quality are given minimum size. Screenshot is dominated by text GIF or PNG. For the colorful pictures - JPEG. The use of BMP format for screenshots prohibited! If that does not require a specific topic, respect others and avoid using the format of BMP.
4.11.5. Prohibited the use of slang and abbreviations in the title of the topic. In the name of the topic, use the original name of the program or device. In future, this will facilitate the search by topic name.
 4.12. Not to write so that will not require discussion, and writing these messages to existing topics (publish announcements of advertising and other measures). In particular those involving personal correspondence with a particular forum member. For this purpose, use the PM (of forum post).
 4.13. Never lift topics. Specifically, the publication of the messages that are subject to a rise in the list and it does not carry meaning, such as "Do not they know?" Or "Up!".
 4.14. Forbidden not informative topic names, such as "pamagite," "I have a problem," "Cry from the heart," and so on is also forbidden in the subject line write personal wishes, such as "Setting Garmin. URGENT ". If participants know the answer to your question, they will answer whether "urgent" you need it or not.
 4.15. Forbidden topic names and messages overloaded punctuation marks (more than three), such as: "How to set up GPS? ? ? ? ? Huh. "
4.16. Prohibited without the text response (smile, including text smileys). And the answers consisting only of smileys or overloaded them (more than five smileys in one message) in all sections.
 4.17. Prohibited discussion of unrelated issues in one topic.
4.18. Prohibited the digression. For example, the topic of the Garmin prohibited discussion of other navigation systems, with the exception of comparing them with the Garmin.
 4.19. Quote prohibited abuse (overkvoting, overquoting). No need to fully quote opponent - just highlight the salient points and click on the "quote".
4.20. Strictly prohibited search and publish key, crack and other software developers Varese, Varese program which is prohibited on the forum.
 4.21. It is strictly forbidden to discuss the actions of the Administration. If you do not agree with the actions of the Administration, contact any moderator section where the incident occurred or any moderators. The complaint will be investigated and if found your complaint based representative of the Administration will be applied to discipline. If you have not received a response to your complaint from a moderator or moderators for two or more days, contact your administrator.
 4.22. Any materials of erotic and pornographic content can be removed from the forum without prior notice, at the discretion and in accordance with morals moderators.
4.23. Prohibit any act aimed at the disruption of the project, as well as calls for such actions.

 5. Reward system.
5.1. If participants have given you good advice that helped you solve your problem should not be placed with the text "Thank you! You are super! ". Our forum is usually expressed gratitude by raising the "karma" of a particular party.
 5.2. On the "karma" of other participants can affect anyone.
5.3. Never hidden or apparent extortion lifting power, for example, "I helped you, and you said no thanks," or "You could have the karma to raise!". If you deserve a raise karma, you raise it without reminders.
 5.4. Prohibited the use of "karma" for revenge or similar cases. "Karma" - not a means showdown!
5.5. Prohibits the changing of karma without satisfactory reasons, especially depression. In case of violation - Read Only for 3 days. "Karma" will be restored.
 5.6. Prohibited multiple increase or decrease power. In the event of multiple changes will be reduced to one point.

6. System of punishment
 6.1. Punishment appointed moderator for non-compliance of the project, a forum and / or additional rules section.
6.2. Penalties are of the following types:
6.2.1. Warning. This type of punishment is the first penalty imposed for failure to comply and the forum rules.
 6.2.2. «Read Only» or "RO". Position «Read Only» is a measure of responsibility for willful and / or repeated failure to comply with forum rules and is used along with a warning for violation of forum rules. Position «Read Only» party may be assigned to different terms, depending on the decision of the Moderator. This status means that the forum can not leave a message on any of the sections of the forum.
6.2.3. Ban. Ban - account lockout forum members. He shall, in exceptional cases and is due to repeated or severe violations of human intentionally offline, spamming or flooding the forum, or a map. Banlength determined at the discretion of the Moderator.
 6.3.1 In the event of a situation does not fall under any of the paragraphs of the rules, administration officials are authorized to act on your own.
6.3.2 The decision on punishment, adopted by the forum administrators or moderators, final and without appeal.

 7. Changing the rules of the project.
7.1. Mapcam.info administration reserves the right at any time at its sole discretion, to change (add, modify, and cancel) or that the position of right, without prior notice to the participants, as well as rules and cancel in full.
 7.2. These changes take effect from the date of publication.
7.3. Obligation on time to track changes in the rules forum is on its participants. Ignorance of the rules does not exempt the forum from liability for their violation.

 8. Use of information.
8.1. All the information on the project is the property of the project.
8.2. When using materials from the site, including screenshots, a link to http://mapcam.info required.
8.3. Commercial use, and dissemination of databases or part without permission is prohibited project.

 9. Compliance with the rules
9.1. Your use of the project Mapcam.info means that you accept the rules.
9.2. If you disagree with the above rules do not use the project Mapcam.info.


  • Постоялец
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  • Posts: 36
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Re: 1. General principles and recommendations
« Reply #1 on: 08 October 2012, 23:50:05 »
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