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Author Topic: 1 Basic rules for adding objects to the database Speedcam.  (Read 5033 times)


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1 Basic rules for adding objects to the database Speedcam.

1.1 The base mapcam.info recorded objects that users have seen in person! No need to clutter up the project data downloaded from the network.

 1.2 The base Speedcam recorded only objects knowledge of which can prevent accidents or traffic violations.

1.3 Azimuth objects should "look" to the driver, that is, green sector, indicating the safety zone, should be directed at him, warning that worked correctly.

 1.4 Azimuth with the direction of the "all directions 360" may only be used outside the settlements as installation of such a bearing provokes a lot of false alarms on parallel roads in some browsers. In the case when it is necessary to warn about approaching with more than two parties (the intersection, bend), set two objects with different azimuths.

1.5 The "Speed" must be equal to the value of the allowed traffic to or less if it is required for the safe passage of the site.

 1.6 If the mark of the objects that are on the bend of the road, instead of setting a single point with a circular action necessary to establish two points with a direction notice to each side of the bend.

 2 static camera, measuring the speed of

2.1 Some cameras aimed at one or two sides, set on pillars, arches or special brackets and measure the speed of one or both directions of movement. They measure your current speed. Navigator will warn you approach these cameras in the measured direction of the meeting. When you exceed the speed limit will play a special warning sound.

 2.2 This type of object observed only fixed (attached to the pole, the farm over the road stretch, bridge or other stationary object Road) camera leading photo-video-lock the car with the determination of the registered mark.

 2.3 If you do not have accurate information that, according to this instrument was issued at least one penalty. Refrain from adding this object.

 2.4 The angle and distance warning sector are chosen to make it work in advance and did not give false positives:
In the village - a distance of 500 m warning, the angle of 10-20 degrees.
Outside of the village - a distance of 700 m warning, the angle of 15-45 degrees.

 Built-in light (Built-in cameras)

3.1 Some cameras are built into traffic lights. They act like static cameras, but they are difficult to detect. The warning for proximity and speeding is the fixed cameras.

 4 Camera tests the red light (red light camera)

4.1 These cameras check if you obey traffic lights. When approaching them receive the same warning as for the cameras, but due to lack of speed limit given, only the proximity is.

 5 guys camera measures the speed on a segment of road (Section control cameras)

5.1 These cameras work in pairs, and do not measure your current speed but your average speed between the two cameras. Both will identify your car and record the exact time of travel. The difference between two points of time is used to calculate the average speed. Navigator will warn about approaching one of these cameras, but alert stays on until you reach between the cameras and your average speed. If the average speed exceeds the speed limit between the two cameras, you receive the same sound as the other camera types.

 5.2 In some situations, when the navigator can not the moment you pass the second camera (for example, at the exit of a tunnel where GPS is not yet available) the warning will continue.

5.3 This type of camera is rather rarely used on our roads, use it carefully!

 6 Mobile camera (ambush)

6.1 In this category you fall seen mobile traffic police posts (STSI), fixing various traffic violations. These are, as the traffic police cars equipped with special means of video / photo commit offenses and ordinary employees of, on duty in the bushes with binoculars and radar. In the database marked typical places of these ambushes were noticed by users.

6.2 Do not marked ambush:
watching for red light, including the case of travel by "arrow" traffic light;
ambush on Underpass prohibition sign ("brick", "movement is forbidden", "just right", "one-way street," etc.);
 watching for turn / U-turn under the sign / markings prohibiting the maneuver ("just right", "turn prohibited", turn to the N-th row, and so on);
watching for verification of documents and control of alcohol.

Warning of ambushes triggered by navigators after traffic violations, ie can not help him escape.

 7 Camera control strip shuttle transport

7.1 This category is intended to mark a stationary camera control strip shuttle transport

8 Stationary patrol post

8.1 This category includes fixed positions GAI (traffic police) situated in the location permanently, regardless of the time of day.

 9 crossing

9.1 This type of marked crossings represent what or danger.

9.2 If the move is easily visible and has a current automatic barrier, and the entire risk of the move is in the pits on or high rails. Use the type of "Bad Road".

 10 school zone / Dangerous Crosswalk

1.10 This type of transition is observed only increased danger.

2.10 Summary indicating the reasons for risk required.

11 Start of the village

11.1 This object type is set on the map in full conformity with its real place position.

 2.11 There have been only a mark to which the name of the village is written on a white background.

11.3 In the comments to the subject indicated the name of the village.

4.11 Recommended distance warning 500 ... 700 meters.

 12 speed limit sign

1.12 Do not add to the database alert "speed limit" if:
Area of ??the sign is less than 100 meters. The sign is installed in front of the hump (LP), add only a warning "speed bump."
Sign installed in front of the railway crossing, only added the warning "crossing."
 Sign installed in front of the crosswalk / school zone, only added the warning "school zone."

 2.12 Do not set on a street in the same direction notice "Speed ??Limit", ripped adjoining side roads (intersections). Enough to prevent the first sign of limitation, which must be addressed.

 13 speed bumps

13.1 The base is not recorded LP located in parking lots, gas stations, understudy the main roads in the yard driveways

2.13 Severity LP recorded for "speed" on the principle that
10 km / h - LP increased danger.
20.30 km / h - the intermediate values.
40 km / h - LP completely installed by state standards.

 3.13 There are places where the LP arranged one after the other. In these cases, setting the warning as follows:
If the LP two and between the distance to 20m, one warning is set in the middle, in the direction indicated by both parties.

 If the LP two and between the distance from 20m to 40m, set two warnings, but with certain directions. The directions indicate that of the first LP to meet traffic flow for which this first LP, the second LP in the opposite of the first.

 If three or more LP and spacing to 20m, in this case set the first and last LP, both directions are indicated on both sides.

 14 Bad road

1.14 Do not set the warning "bad road" in a place where the concept of "Road" loses its meaning. Ie The road is so broken that move on it is simply impossible with great speed.

 2.14 It is necessary to install a warning "Bad Road" in places other than asphalt unexpectedly replaced gouging plot, no mark, and after again going great asphalt. Simply put, there is a good road to the well (s).

 15 dangerous changes of direction

16 Dangerous crossroads

1.16 Object "Dangerous Crossing" noted to alert the driver of the following types of intersections:

 2.16 Fixed crossing the main road with a speed greater than (or equal to) 60 km / h, at which accidents occur due to the unexpected departure of transport from the road into the fast main road. The meaning of this warning is to alert the driver, moving at high speed on the main road, on the need to reduce speed to dangerous areas. Warning is set to a specific area in the direction of the main road, which is a warning for the actual. Speed ??warning should not be below 60 km / h

 3.16 When the topography can be seen crossing in less than 150 m at the entrance to any of the intersecting roads. The meaning of this warning is to alert the driver that the bend / hill may have to stop what it should slow down in advance. Warning is set to a specific area in the direction of traffic for which there is reduced visibility. Speed ??warning should not be below 60 km / h

16.4 Intersection where accidents occur when turning, turning left at the main traffic lights (no traffic light) due to the limited visibility of the opposite direction. The meaning of this warning is to alert the driver that the car is moving toward the unfolding at high speed and without a change of direction, the need to reduce the speed to be able to avoid an accident. Warning is set to a specific direction in the side of the road along which the driver without a change of direction. Speed ??warning should not be below 60 km / h

5.16 Uncontrolled intersection, when going on that are not visible signs warning that you are driving on a secondary road. The meaning of this warning is to, instead of missing the mark, to warn the driver when he drove up to the intersection on a minor road. Warning is set to a specific area in the direction of traffic for which the sign visibility is limited. Speed ??warning should not be below 40 km / h

17 Another danger

 1.17 Be sure to allow a concise but clear comment on this type of object. What is the danger?


  • Постоялец
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Re: 1 Basic rules for adding objects to the database Speedcam.
« Reply #1 on: 09 October 2012, 00:38:33 »
Переведено с помощью Google,могут присутствовать недочеты.
 Translated by Google, may be present shortcomings.


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Re: 1 Basic rules for adding objects to the database Speedcam.
« Reply #2 on: 09 October 2012, 05:56:51 »
О да, недочеты есть :-) Особенно в переводе дорожных терминов, некоторые слова я вижу впервые